Refund a Payment
Here is how to refund a payment:
First method:
1. Click on the desired appointment
2. Click on Billing
3. Click on the existing payment
4. Click on Refund
5. Click on Save to finish
The mention Refunded will then appear, and the balance of the appointment will no longer be at 0$:
Here is another way you can do the same action:
1. Click on
2. Select the desired customer
3. Click on the
Visits and Payments section
4. Click on the
two arrows icon to expand the view
5. Go to the right side of the window, in the
Transactions section and click on the appointment or class to refund
6. Click on
7. Click on Continue
The wording Refunded will then appear:
Third method:
1. Click on the scheduled appointment
2. Click on
3. Scroll down in the invoice, and click on
x Refund
4. Confirm that this is indeed what you want to do
And there you go! 🙂