Copy services from an employee to another

To copy some of the services of an employee A to an employee B, follow these steps:

1.Click on Account setting

2. Click on Employees and services

3. Select Employee A

4. Click on Services

5. On the right of the page, below "Copy", check the box(es) of the service(s) you want to duplicate

6. Click on Copy. The following message will appear

7. Select Employee B

8. Click on Services

9. On the right, click on Paste

After the copy, you can change anything in the services of employee B, it won't affect the services of employee A. Services are not linked between the 2 employees.

Duplicate one of your own service

To duplicate one of your service, follow steps 1 to 6 detailed above then continue with these:

7. Click on Information

8. Click again on Service

9. At the top right, click Paste

Copy your services to your other GOrendezvous account

Follow steps 1 to 6 detailed above then continue with these:
7. Click on Hello "your first name"!
8. Select the drop-down menu and select your other account associated with your email address
9. Click on Settings
10. Click on Employees and services
11. Click on Services
12. At the top right, click Paste

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