Cancel or change an appointment with my professional
- Directly from the booking window
- Click on Cancel Appointment in a notification/reminder message sent in your mailbox
- Click on I'm a returning client
- Enter your name and e-mail address and then click Continue
- Click on View my scheduled appointments
Do you know your password?
- Enter your password
- Click on Continue
- Check your mailbox. The link is working for 30 minutes.
- Open the GOrendezvous message and click on the link.
- You will be redirect to the booking page.
- Click on I'm a returning client
- Click on View my scheduled appointments
There are 2 ways to cancel an appointment with your professional:
1) Directly from the booking window
A) If yes, click on I know my password | B) If no, click on Send me an access link by email |
5. You will see a list of your next appointments. If your professional enabled online cancellations you will see a blue button Cancel appointment.
9. Click on Yes to confirm that you want to cancel your appointment.
2. Click on Cancel Appointment in a notification/reminder message sent in your mailbox
1. Click the Cancel option in your e-mail confirmation
2. The link will redirect you to a cancellation reason page that you can provide your professional with more information about the reason you are cancelling.
*If you do not see the cancellation button or the trash can icon, it is because your professional does not allow to cancel appointment online.