How to Create a Charting Template

To create a charting template to facilitate your notes taking, here are the steps to follow:

1. Click on Charting

2. Click on Charting Templates

3. Click on + Add to create a blank template (in this case, skip to step 7 directly), or on Library to modify an existing file

4. If you clicked on Library to work from an already created template, choose the desired language

5. Click on the template title in the list 

6. All you have to do now is Add to my Templates 

7. You can now create or edit your template. First, give it a name

8. Enter a description (optional)

9. Link to an existing lexicon (optional) *To find out what a lexicon is and how to create one, see this page

10. Change the language, if needed

11. Click + Field to add a new field to your charting template 

Let's see the different possible actions:

A. Enlarge or shrink the field box

B. Move the field box (for example, to change the questions order)

C. Modify the field 

D. Delete field 

Here is now a description of the different options when you want to modify a field:

A. If this box is checked, the field will still appear, even if no information has been entered inside

B. If this box is checked, the label (or title, if you prefer) will not display on your listing template

C. If this box is checked, the summary field will appear in the right section of the client file, under Summary 

Here is also the description of each field type:

  • Note/Notes, Reason for consultation and Follow-up: a field allowing to write free text on several lines 

  • Checkboxes/Multiple Choices: Convenient for indicating symptoms, special conditions, medications, etc. and just having to check them off, instead of having to manually rewrite everything every appointment

  • Multiple questions/Multiple texts and Vital signs: several questions oriented vertically or by column, with the possibility of taking notes to clarify certain details 

  • Pain scale/Scale: to be able to request a pain rating from 1 to 10, for example 

  • Sketch/Draw: a field to draw freely 

  • Table and Diet: possibility of entering several data on several rows or columns 

  • Diagram/Drawing: for an image of the human body, spine, Maigne cross, etc. Note that you can also upload your own image, by clicking on the + located to the right of the Image menu

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