Add the Cancellation Reason for a Class Attendee

Here is how you can add a cancellation reason for a class attendance:

1. Click on the class you want to update

2. Select the Attendees tab

3. Click on the trashcan icon to remove the selected attendee from this class

A cancellation confirmation window will appear:

4. Select a Cancellation Reason in the drop-down menu

5. You can also write Details concerning the reason for cancellation

6. Check the Refund Payments checkbox if you would like to refund a payment that was made in advance

7. Click on Remove from all upcoming session classes to remove the attendee from all future classes

8. Or click on Remove from this class only to cancel his/her presence only for this one class

*Your clients will also be able to provide you with a cancellation reason by clicking on the link they received in their notification email. This way, you’ll know the reason ahead of time, without having to contact them to inquire! 😊

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